Концепт-арты к сценарию Эпизода IX в версии Колина Треворроу

Рэй с двойным световым мечом

Артбук к Эпизоду IX «Звёздных Войн» должен появиться в книжных магазинах только 31 марта, но некоторые концепт-арты уже утекли в сеть. После просмотра этих рисунков фанаты задались вопросом: почему нигде не представлены наброски к тому варианту сценария Эпизода IX, который написал Колин Треворроу? Напомню, что на днях благодаря Роберту Майеру Бёрнетту — человеку, снимавшему документальные фильмы из серии «за кадром» для бонусных дсиков к фильмам,— все смогли ознакомиться с версией финальной главы саги от Треворроу. Так вот — ничего из того, что описывалось в сценарии Треворроу, в официальном артбуке не было.

Тем не менее, концепт-арты к сценарию Треворроу существуют, и сегодня в сети появилось два десятка этих изображений. Роберт Бёрнетт утверждает, что всего на сторону утекло около 150 рисунков — так что многое нам ещё предстоит увидеть. Интриги добавляет тот факт, что в Корее «Дисней» велел изъять и уничтожить весь тираж книги «The art of the Rise of Skywalker» — как описывается, из-за «проблем с содержанием». Книга будет переиздана после внесения поправок.

А теперь — концепт-арты к сценарию Колина Треворроу, как и было обещано в начале.

  • Underground Coruscant - Citizens paint and prepare old walkers
  • Defected stormtroopers and Coruscant citizens cheer around old painted First Order walkers
  • Tor Valum
  • Rey with double bladed saber on a Star Destroyer
  • Bisc Kova, Resistance Traitor, is executed with a light blade guillotine on Coruscant
  • Rey and Kylo fight at the peak of the temple on Mortis. Kylo new mask is visible
  • Rey faces a monster outside the forest of Mortis
  • Rey and Luke train on Koralev
  • In the Battle of Coruscant, R2 is destroyed. R2s head is scorched. Emotion like we have never seen before from 3P0. Finn is speechless. He is crushed by it all. Chewie takes R2s scorched shell onto his back
  • The crew flies to Bonadan, where Poe lived with his grandfather
  • Kylo fights Vader during cave sequence
  • Luke blocks Kylos lightsaber
  • Finn rallies citizens of the Coruscant underground to fight back
  • Rose, Finn, 3PO, and R2 attempt to activate the beacon on Coruscant to broadcast Leia hologram to the galaxy
  • R2 and 3PO roam the streets of Coruscant
  • Poe and Rey pilot a Razer Sail through Bonadan waters, chased by the Knights of Ren in the Knife-9
  • Leia and BB-8 - Possibly Leia recording the hologram
  • Stormtroopers prepare for battle against Coruscant citizens
  • First Order-occupied Coruscant
  • Once it becomes clear the First Order is losing the battle of Coruscant, Hux pulls out a purple lightsaber and commits seppuku
  • Underground Coruscant — Citizens paint and prepare old walkers

  • Defected stormtroopers and Coruscant citizens cheer around old painted First Order walkers

  • Tor Valum

  • Rey with double bladed saber on a Star Destroyer

  • Bisc Kova, Resistance Traitor, is executed with a light blade guillotine on Coruscant

  • Rey and Kylo fight at the peak of the temple on Mortis. Kylo new mask is visible

  • Rey faces a monster outside the forest of Mortis

  • Rey and Luke train on Koralev

  • In the Battle of Coruscant, R2 is destroyed. R2s head is scorched. Emotion like we have never seen before from 3P0. Finn is speechless. He is crushed by it all. Chewie takes R2s scorched shell onto his back

  • The crew flies to Bonadan, where Poe lived with his grandfather

  • Kylo fights Vader during cave sequence

  • Luke blocks Kylos lightsaber

  • Finn rallies citizens of the Coruscant underground to fight back

  • Rose, Finn, 3PO, and R2 attempt to activate the beacon on Coruscant to broadcast Leia hologram to the galaxy

  • R2 and 3PO roam the streets of Coruscant

  • Poe and Rey pilot a Razer Sail through Bonadan waters, chased by the Knights of Ren in the Knife-9

  • Leia and BB-8 — Possibly Leia recording the hologram

  • Stormtroopers prepare for battle against Coruscant citizens

  • First Order-occupied Coruscant

  • Once it becomes clear the First Order is losing the battle of Coruscant, Hux pulls out a purple lightsaber and commits seppuku

  • Underground Coruscant - Citizens paint and prepare old walkers
  • Defected stormtroopers and Coruscant citizens cheer around old painted First Order walkers
  • Tor Valum
  • Rey with double bladed saber on a Star Destroyer
  • Bisc Kova, Resistance Traitor, is executed with a light blade guillotine on Coruscant
  • Rey and Kylo fight at the peak of the temple on Mortis. Kylo new mask is visible
  • Rey faces a monster outside the forest of Mortis
  • Rey and Luke train on Koralev
  • In the Battle of Coruscant, R2 is destroyed. R2s head is scorched. Emotion like we have never seen before from 3P0. Finn is speechless. He is crushed by it all. Chewie takes R2s scorched shell onto his back
  • The crew flies to Bonadan, where Poe lived with his grandfather
  • Kylo fights Vader during cave sequence
  • Luke blocks Kylos lightsaber
  • Finn rallies citizens of the Coruscant underground to fight back
  • Rose, Finn, 3PO, and R2 attempt to activate the beacon on Coruscant to broadcast Leia hologram to the galaxy
  • R2 and 3PO roam the streets of Coruscant
  • Poe and Rey pilot a Razer Sail through Bonadan waters, chased by the Knights of Ren in the Knife-9
  • Leia and BB-8 - Possibly Leia recording the hologram
  • Stormtroopers prepare for battle against Coruscant citizens
  • First Order-occupied Coruscant
  • Once it becomes clear the First Order is losing the battle of Coruscant, Hux pulls out a purple lightsaber and commits seppuku

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Метки: Эпизод IX, Колин Треворроу, концепт-арт


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